october: spooky, fall, locked in


Hi lazies! it's October, and I know it's been a while since I've been in your inbox. To be honest I've been trying to sort out my blog and podcast and focus on growing.​ Maybe in the future, I'll create another freebie and create a freebie bank for my subscribers to access.

things i'm looking forward to

  • Halloween
  • fall
  • wearing fall fits
  • finishing my college apps
  • Loki coming out!

content from me + updates

content, I've been enjoying

  • The Broski Report by Brittney Broski
  • Gilmore Girls duh
  • Nike Run Club Guided Runs

wise words of the month: the lazy gal edition

  • keep things private. you never know who's negative energy can influence you.
  • be focused and trust the process, you can get blessed in more unique ways.

media recommendations

  • I've been listening to more YEAT
  • Unreleased Lana
  • Currently reading an Ice Hockey Romance

upcoming events:

  • Maybe a tech series
  • More guest episodes

invest in your peace

hi! I'm a podcaster and blogger!

I have a lot of freebies available and so much content out there, join the circle!

Read more from hi! I'm a podcaster and blogger!
A blurry image of a circular object on a black background

hi lazies this is a mid-year recap of 2024 and I am just wondering where the time has gone, and what is next in store. i'm writing this july 15, and half of the year is GONE. we will never get it back and what we've done from january to mid july is done and done. we can't do anything about it, no time travel, so the only thing from now on is paying attention to the present and the future. this could be starting a new hobby, business, or lifestyle. or working on an already existing one and...

hi lazies It is May. This May has been one that I have dreaded and awaited for many years. I graduate in 3 weeks, and every second till then and afterward is invaluable. There's also so much on my plate this month from my birthday to finishing up finals and projects. things I'm looking forward to + grateful for i'm looking forward to... my birthday! this one is a milestone and I have so many things I want to do. ending school for a few months, I need a break!! having the time to spend on...

for me, January took forever to end, but February literally flew by. I got new glasses, did my nails myself, and tried new things, whether a footlong subway cookie or new boba drinks! So this last month was certainly eventful and I'm grateful for the experiences and opportunities. things I'm looking forward to + grateful for In March i'm looking forward to: working on season 2 of the lazy gal podcast posting blog posts drinking more water(bought a new 40oz water bottle!!) In March i'm...