march: book themed gifts, vision boards, and planners.

Hi lazies! it's march! All about new beginnings, pi day, and everything more.

I'm super scared of allergies, because I suffered through it for the first time last year and I'm hoping it won't happen again.​ I find March to be my middle month, because it's about to be crackdown season for my AP exams and Finals. Which I am not excited for, and I'm certainly not excited for the sweltering heat.

blog posts from me + updates

content, I've been enjoying

  • ​Tam Kaur's video on the Lucky Girl Syndrome . I really love watching videos like this during my cool down stretches after I workout.
  • I've been recently listening to this new podcast called "Hot Girl Energy Podcast". Sometimes I just don't click with the podcaster, but I really like Kaylie Stewart.

wise words of the month: the lazy gal edition

  • You existed before them, and so did so many things. You will exist after, and so will everything else.
  • It might seem impossible how the world just goes on after yours was completely changed, but that's a good thing. Because it means you also can go on, because you're part of this world as well.

song recommendations

  • People by Libianca is sooo good, and totally has me under a spell.
  • I Think He Knows by Taylor Swift, is slowly creeping into my on repeat playlist.
  • Motherlove by Bea Miller is hitting all the needs for this era.

book recommendation + what I'm reading rn

I'll admit, reading has been pretty non-existent lately, but I just started this book:

- The Darkest Temptation by Danielle Lori

And some books I've been wanting to read are:

- Vicious by V.E. Schwab

- I still haven't finished Secret History or Circe 😭

upcoming events:

  • I will be creating porfolio for myself, using a subdomain from my log. So be ready for
  • I'm working on digital products to sell for the price people believe it's worth. This way I can really establish The Lazy Gal as a business.

Everything happens that is meant to happen. If it's not for you, wave goodbye.

hi! I'm a podcaster and blogger!

I have a lot of freebies available and so much content out there, join the circle!

Read more from hi! I'm a podcaster and blogger!
A blurry image of a circular object on a black background

hi lazies this is a mid-year recap of 2024 and I am just wondering where the time has gone, and what is next in store. i'm writing this july 15, and half of the year is GONE. we will never get it back and what we've done from january to mid july is done and done. we can't do anything about it, no time travel, so the only thing from now on is paying attention to the present and the future. this could be starting a new hobby, business, or lifestyle. or working on an already existing one and...

hi lazies It is May. This May has been one that I have dreaded and awaited for many years. I graduate in 3 weeks, and every second till then and afterward is invaluable. There's also so much on my plate this month from my birthday to finishing up finals and projects. things I'm looking forward to + grateful for i'm looking forward to... my birthday! this one is a milestone and I have so many things I want to do. ending school for a few months, I need a break!! having the time to spend on...

for me, January took forever to end, but February literally flew by. I got new glasses, did my nails myself, and tried new things, whether a footlong subway cookie or new boba drinks! So this last month was certainly eventful and I'm grateful for the experiences and opportunities. things I'm looking forward to + grateful for In March i'm looking forward to: working on season 2 of the lazy gal podcast posting blog posts drinking more water(bought a new 40oz water bottle!!) In March i'm...