april; spring reset, starting fresh, podcast launch!


hi lazies(yes, Reader, i'm talking to you)! it's april! spring is at full bloom, and i'm excited for the warm sun and green everywhere. i'm excited for walks where my fingers don't feel frozen, and i can wear a shirt without a billion layers on top. i'm excited to go out more, and drink more cold drinks(drinking them in the winter = instant sickness).

blog posts from me + updates

  • In the name of spring, I have a new post on spring resetting and 5 powerful areas you need to change. Read it here.

alsooo Reader could i have a drumroll please? DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNN

i have a podcast launching on April 6. The trailer is up right now. Listen to it on:

Reply to this email and let me know what you think! If you want to be updated about new episodes and other important things, follow the podcast and you can always find me on 'the_lazygal'.

content, I've been enjoying

  • ​i've been watching more gymtoks because i'm redoing my workout split
    • i'll probably write a post and/or record a pod ep abt that
  • khan academy 😭 . unfortunately it's studying season, so i've been binging sal's videos
  • kurtis connor. i've been watching more of his videos and before.

wise words of the month: the lazy gal edition

  • nothing else influences you as much as your surroundings. cut those people off, talk to the people you admire, follow people who inspire you. stop watching videos that drain you, and stop being with people and stop going to places that drain you.

song recommendations

  • Trance by Metro Boomin
  • lana's new album duh!!

book recommendation + what I'm reading rn

I'm currently reading:

  • Ninth House by leigh bardugo.
    • I love it so far, it's been a while since i've read a good plot heavy book

Some books I've recently finished:

  • to hate adam connor
    • this was a light romance read, and i loved the characters(though they acted unrealistically at times)
  • the trouble with hating you
    • i love the desi rep, but some things were just too much. also the feminism just turned into "im super independent and everything but not when i like the hot guy".

upcoming events:

  • PODCAST LAUNCH APRIL 6!! new episodes every other thursday.
  • i redid my instagram theme check it out here: https://www.instagram.com/the_lazygal/
    • @the_lazygal
  • i'm going to LA this weekend, more updates on my instagram!

being in your presence is a privilege, not a right. (tlg ep 1)

hi! I'm a podcaster and blogger!

I have a lot of freebies available and so much content out there, join the circle!

Read more from hi! I'm a podcaster and blogger!
A blurry image of a circular object on a black background

hi lazies this is a mid-year recap of 2024 and I am just wondering where the time has gone, and what is next in store. i'm writing this july 15, and half of the year is GONE. we will never get it back and what we've done from january to mid july is done and done. we can't do anything about it, no time travel, so the only thing from now on is paying attention to the present and the future. this could be starting a new hobby, business, or lifestyle. or working on an already existing one and...

hi lazies It is May. This May has been one that I have dreaded and awaited for many years. I graduate in 3 weeks, and every second till then and afterward is invaluable. There's also so much on my plate this month from my birthday to finishing up finals and projects. things I'm looking forward to + grateful for i'm looking forward to... my birthday! this one is a milestone and I have so many things I want to do. ending school for a few months, I need a break!! having the time to spend on...

for me, January took forever to end, but February literally flew by. I got new glasses, did my nails myself, and tried new things, whether a footlong subway cookie or new boba drinks! So this last month was certainly eventful and I'm grateful for the experiences and opportunities. things I'm looking forward to + grateful for In March i'm looking forward to: working on season 2 of the lazy gal podcast posting blog posts drinking more water(bought a new 40oz water bottle!!) In March i'm...